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Stage à Arradon


For women's a cappella choir

5-12 July 2025  

in Arradon (gulf of Morbihan)




Franck Pellé-Rolland, musical director

Le Chant des Oyseaux are happy to present the first course of summer 2025. We invite you to discover the setting of the workshop, its programme & schedule.


Our singing week takes place every summer in Arradon, 6 km from Vannes, in the heart of the gulf of Morbihan, one of the marvels of Brittany.


In Arradon, amongst hydrangeas and hundred-years-old trees, each road or path leads to the gulf. After our rehearsals, strolling along the coastal paths, you immerse yourself in the magic of the small Breton islands and you can breathe in the sea air in an exceptional setting.


You can visit the menhir alignments at Carnac, 29 km away. You may prefer to visit Vannes or the wild coast of Quiberon.

La pointe d'Arradon


For women's a cappella choir

Miniature de Hildegard von Bingen

The feminine side of music

Join us in singing this captivating programme, profound, subtle but also poetic and light, by women composers from the Middle Ages to the present day. These rare works are a must-sing!

Hildegard von BINGEN (1098-1179) Karitas habundat 

(We will sing until 1:43 only.)​​

listen to ➔ 🎶

Amy BEBBINGTON (1975) I sing of a maiden

➔ 🎶

Carlotta FERRARI (1975) Songs for Hildegard : Nos sumus in


➔ 🎶


Bianca Maria FURGERI (1935) Ego flos campi

➔ 🎶


Linda KACHELMEIER (1965) O vis eternitatis

➔ 🎶


Amy BEACH (1867-1944) 3 Shakespeare Choruses : Over hill,

over dale ; Come unto these yellow sands ; Through the house

give glimmering light.

➔ 🎶

It is an Andante level workshop. Participants are expected to master the repertoire beforehand. (MP3s available). 


📅  Our workshop will be held from Saturday 5 July, at 2:00pm, to Saturday 12 July 2024, at 2:00pm.


🕘  From Sunday, two daily rehearsals : 9:00am-12:00pm ; 4:00pm-6:00pm.


🕘 No rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon : this will be an opportunity to discover the gulf of Morbihan... A much-appreciated break in the middle of the course.


🎶  A performance will mark the end of the course.


🏡  There are many accommodation possibilities suitable to your tastes and budget in Arradon, Vannes (6 km away) and the surroundings : hotels, holiday cottages, B&Bs and campsites.

🍽️  Lunches (excellent indeed !) can be included in the 'workshop + lunches package'. Meals together are great moments of conviviality.

🍽️  Accompanying spouses are of course welcome to join the group for lunch.


🌙  We do not organize dinners. Free evenings.


‘Precision - Listening - Demanding work, all in a relaxed atmosphere. Each one having prepared, we can very quickly appreciate new repertoires. It's a pleasure for me to come back every year.’  Anne-Marie B. (2024)


Workshop - July 2024

Hungarian music of the 20th century

Secular music, sacred music and…

An original program of mysterious, sacred and poetic pieces.

  • KODÁLY Zoltán (1882-1967) Hegyi Éjszakák I 

  • KODÁLY Zoltán (1882-1967) Ave Maria  

  • BARTÓK Béla (1881-1945) Ne Hagyj itt !  

  • KODÁLY Zoltán (1882-1967) Hegyi Éjszakák III  

  • BARTÓK Béla (1881-1945) Ne menj el !  

  • KOCSÁR Miklós (1933-2019) O vos omnes. 

  • KODÁLY Zoltán (1882-1967) Hegyi Éjszakák II  

  • KOCSÁR Miklós (1933-2019) Salve Regina 



Workshop - July 2023


German music from Romanticism to the 20th century for a capella female choir

  • Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856) Klosterfräulein op.69 n°3 

  • Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Geistliche Chöre op.37 : O Bone Jesu ;  Adoramus te.

  • Max REGER (1873-1916) Gesänge op.111 : Im Himmelreich ein Haus steht ;  Abendgang im Lenz.  

  • Hugo DISTLER (1908-1942) Möricke Lieder op.19 : Er ist’s ; Verborgenheit ; Mausfallen-Sprüchlein ; Der Gärtner ; Lied vom Winde.



Workshop - July 2022


Music of the 20th and 21st centuries for a capella female choir

  • Rebecca CLARKE (1886-1979) Ave Maria

  • Arvo PÄRT (1935) Peace upon you, Jerusalem

  • Pēteris VASKS (1946) Skumjas

  • David HAMILTON (1955) O vos Omnes ; Alleluia


Workshop - July 2021


European music in the Renaissance for a capella female choir

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA (ca.1525-1594) Jesu Rex admirabilis ; Tua Jesu dilectio ; Magnificat quarti toni.

  • Roland de LASSUS (1532-1594) Extraits des Cantiones duarum vocum : Beatus vir ; Beatus homo ; Oculus non vidit ; Iustus cor suum tradet ; Expectatio iustorum.

  • Juan VÁSQUEZ (ca.1500-ca.1560) Canciones : Amor falso ; Ay que no oso mirar ; Quiero dormir y no puedo.



Workshop - Juillet 2019


French music from the Renaissance to the 20th century - for a capella female choir

  • Anonym (1545)  Du cœur le don a le loyal amant

  • Claudin de SERMISY (ca.1490-1562)  D'amour je suis déhéritée

  • Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1869)  Veni Creator Spiritus

  • Claude DEBUSSY (1866-1918)  Les Angélus (arr. Clytus Gottwald)

  • Francis POULENC (1899-1963)  Petites voixAve Verum Corpus.


Workshop - July 2018


German romantic music for a capella female choir

  •  Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) 12 Lieder und Romanzen opus 44


Workshop - July 2017


French music for a capella female choir

  • Dynam-Victor FUMET (1867-1949) Messe des oiseaux 

  • César FRANCK (1822-1890) La vierge à la crèche 


Workshop  -  July 2016 


French sacred music for female choir with organ

  • Joseph-Guy ROPARTZ (1864-1955) Messe brève en l'honneur de Sainte-Anne 

  • Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924) Maria Mater Gratiae op.47 n°2 ; Ave Verum op.65 n°1


Workshop - July 2015


English and Italian music of the Renaissance for a capella female choir

  • Thomas MORLEY (ca.1557-1602)  Canzonets to three voyces : Doe you not know ; Farewell, disdainfull ; God morrow, fayre Ladies of the May ; Say, deere, will you not have me ? ; Love learnes by laughing.

  • Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567- 1643) Canzonette : Il mio martir ; Son questi i crespi crini ; Quando sperai.

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