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Chartreuse de Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez


9-16 August 2025

in the charter house of Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez



Franck Pellé-Rolland, musical director

Our summer season of workshops is rich with music and encounters. Here we present our mixed workshop in the Loire (42), the venue, the programme and the organization.


The charter house of Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez

📍 Our Andante 4 choral workshop takes place in an unusual and inspiring location, a Carthusian monastery turned village, situated between Lyon, Saint-Etienne and Vienne, in a green setting in the heart of the Pilat Regional Nature Park, at an altitude of 410m. 


In this former Carthusian monastery, quiet despite the passing tourists, we sing in a beautiful rehearsal room and begin the day in the cloister.

Miséricorde à la chartreuse de Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez
Chartreuse de Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez
Chartreuse de Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez

Pilat Regional Nature Park

The Pilat massif is a regional nature park, the place to be for hikers and cyclists who don't like flat roads! There are plenty of opportunities for forest walks, and what forests they are! Don't miss the chance to climb to the Crêt de l'Œillon (1364m) to admire the view over the Rhône valley and the Alps. A breath of fresh air guaranteed! You can also reach the Crêt de la Perdrix, the highest point in the Pilat massif (1431m).


For mixed a cappella choir

English music of the Renaissance

Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (ca.1548-1611) Officium Hebdomadæ Sanctæ (extracts) :​​


Pueri Hebræorum

listen to ➔ 🎶

Amicus meus

➔ 🎶


Unus ex discipulis

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Eram quasi agnus

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Seniores populi

➔ 🎶


Tantum ergo

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Tanquam ad latronem

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Sepulto Domino

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Signature de Victoria

It is an Andante level workshop. Participants are expected to master the repertoire beforehand. (MP3s available).


📅  Our Andante 4 workshop will run from Saturday 9 August, at 2:00pm, to Saturday 16 August 2025, at around 5.30pm.


🕘  From Sunday, the workshop will run as follows : two daily rehearsals, from 9.02am (!) to 12:00pm, then from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.


🕘  There's a break on Wednesday afternoon, which will be an opportunity to relax or discover the Pilat massif.


🎶  Our choral workshop will end with a performance.


🏡 In Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez, there are several holiday cottages (l’Elixir, Le Chant du Ruisseau, La Maison d’en-face) and B&Bs (La Rose des Vents and Le Clos de Jeanne).


🏡  There are other accommodation options in the Pilat massif. We can provide you with a list of hotels, holiday cottages and B&Bs.


🍽️  Lunch can be provided by the workshop (see the very attractive 'Andante 4 workshop + lunch' package).

🍽️  Accompanying spouses are of course welcome to join the group for lunch.


🌙  The course does not organise dinners. Evenings are free.


Choral workshop - August 2024

English music of the Renaissance in Tudor times

William BYRD (ca.1540-1623) a devout Catholic at a time when it was not "politically correct" to be so in his country, composed three masses for 3, 4 and 5 voices respectively. The "Mass for four voices" is a real gem.​

  • Mass for four voices

Choral workshop - August 2023


Music of the Renaissance at Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice

for mixed a capella choir:

  • Adrian WILLAERT (ca.1490-1562) Veni Sancte Spiritus a4

  • Cipriano de RORE (ca.1515-1565) Da pacem Domine  

  • Andrea GABRIELI (ca.1532-1585) Sacræ cantiones : Laudate Dominum

      O Sacrum Convivium

  • Giovanni CROCE (ca.1557-1609) Cantate Domino



Choral workshops - August 2022


First workshop :

« I am the flower of the field and the lily of the valley. » 

The Song of Solomon from the Renaissance to the present day for mixed a capella choir:

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA (ca.1525-1594) Osculetur meNigra sum et formosa.

  • Nicolas GOMBERT (ca.1495-1560) Ego flos campi.

  • Jaako MÄNTYJÄRVI (1963) Pulchra es amica mea.

  • Roland de LASSUS (1532-1594) Veni in hortum meum.

  • Mariusz KRAMARZ (1987) Pone me ut signaculum.


Second workshop :

Madrigals & songs of the Renaissance

  • Jacques ARCADELT (1504-1568) Il blanco e dolce signo ; Vostra fui e sarò ; Alma, perché sì trista.

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA (ca.1525-1594) Deh hor fossio col vago della luna.

  • Thomas MORLEY (1557-1602) Now is the gentle season.

  • Juan VÁSQUEZ (ca.1500-ca.1560) En la fuente del rosel ; Salga la luna.

  • Mateo ROMERO (1575-1647) Entre dos mansos arroyos.

Choral workshop - August 2021


First workshop : 

Spanish sacred music of the Renaissance for mixed a capella choir

  • Cristóbal de MORALES (ca.1500-1553) : Ave Maria, Introitus de la Missa pro Defunctis, O Sacrum Convivium 

  • Alonso LOBO (ca.1555-1617) Vivo ego, dicit Dominus

  • Francisco GUERRERO (1528-1599) Et post dies sex 

Second workshop :

Franco-Flemish sacred music for mixed a capella choir:

  • Orlando di LASSO (1532-1594) Lamentationes Hieremiæ Prophetæ - primi diei 

Choral workshop - August 2019


Spanish sacred music of the Renaissance for mixed a capella choir

  • Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (1548-1611)  Missa Gaudeamus


Choral workshop - August 2018


English music of the early 20th century for mixed a capella choir

  • Sir Charles Hubert Hastings PARRY (1848-1918) Songs of Farewell (extracts):  My soul, there is a country ; I know my soul hath power; Never weather-beaten sail

  • Sir Edward ELGAR (1857-1934) Evening Scene ; The Prince of sleep

  • Gustav HOLST (1874-1934) I love my love


Choral workshop - August 2017


English music of the Renaissance for mixed a capella choir

  •  William BYRD (ca.1543-1623) Gradualia I: Suscepimus Deus ; Sicut audivimus ; Nunc dimittis servum tuum ; Diffusa est gratia ; Responsum accepit Simeon ; Ave Maria gratia plena


Choral workshop - August 2016



  • Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Book VI of madrigals : Sestina (Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell' amata) ; Ohimè il bel viso.


Choral workshop - August 2015


German music of the 18th century for mixed a capella choir

  • Gottfried August HOMILIUS (1714-1785) Six motets : Eins bitt ich vom HerrnHerr, lehre uns bedenken ; Ob jemand sündiget ; Unser Vater in dem HimmelSehet, welch eine Liebe ; So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin.


HOMILIUS is a composer unknown to the general public. He is an exact contemporary of Carl Philipp Emanuel BACH (1714-1788). His music was well worth a workshop!

Inspite of the difficulty for a composer of sacred music in Germany to follow on after Johann Sebastian Bach, the reference, Homilius was much appreciated by his contemporaries and enjoyed an excellent reputation. He was considered, on several occasions, as the best composer of sacred music of his time.

He left a considerable body of music: 180 sacred cantatas, 11 oratorios, around 60 motets, etc. His motets only have survived in print. 


Choral workshops - August 2014


First workshop :

German Romantic music for mixed a capella choir

  • Felix MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (1809-1847) Zum Abendsegen

  • Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897) Deutsche Volkslieder  WoO34 - Heft 1 - Lieder 1 à 7 : Von edler ArtMit Lust tät ich ausreitenBei nächtlicher Weil;  Vom heiligen Märtyrer EmmeranoTäublein weißAch lieber Herre Jesu ChristSankt Raphael.


Second workshop :

Spanish music of the Renaissance 

  • Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (ca.1548-1611) 18 Tenebrae Responsories 


Choral workshops - August 2013


Two workshops dedicated to music of the Renaissance for mixed a capella choir:

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA (ca.1525-1594) Missa Secunda - Primi Toni

  • Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA (ca.1525-1594) Missa Ut re mi fa sol la


Choral workshop - August 2012


English music of the Renaissance for mixed a capella choir

  • Thomas TALLIS (ca.1505-1585) Sancte Deus ; If ye love me ; O Lord, give thy holy spirit 

  • William BYRD (ca.1540-1623) Alleluia - Ave Maria - Virga jesse

  • John BENNET (ca.1575-ca.1614)  I languish to complaine meO sleepe fond fancie ;  Come shepherds follow me.


Choral workshops - August 2011


First workshop :

Spanish music of the Renaissance for mixed a capella choir

  • Tomás Luis de VICTORIA (1548-1611) Gaude Maria VirgoUnus ex discipulisSeniores populi

  • Francisco GUERRERO (1528-1599) O Domine Iesu ChristeBeatus es.


Second workshop :

American music of the 20th century for mixed a capella choir

The programme was devoted to the work of Randall THOMPSON (1899-1984), american composer passionate about choral singing and counterpoint. 

  • Kyrie & Agnus Dei - Mass of the Holy Spirit

  • Say ye to the righteous  (The Peacable Kingdom) 

  • Alleluia

  • Fare well


Choral workshop - August 2010 


Italian music for mixed a capella choir

  • Claudio MONTEVERDI  Sestina (6th book of madrigals)

  • Giovanni Giacomo GASTOLDI  Balletti 


Choral workshop - August 2009 


Spanish music for women's voices

  • Llibre Vermell de MONTSERRAT  O Virgo Splendens ; Stella Splendens

  • Tomás Luis de VICTORIA  Una hora ; O vos omnes (Tenebrae Responsories)

  • Juan Montes CAPON  Veni Creator Spiritus


Choral workshop - August 2008


Sacred and secular music for mixed a capella choir

  • John BENNET  All creatures now

  • Anton BRUCKNER  Tantum ergo

  • Giuseppe VERDI  Pater Noster


Choral workshop - August 2007


French and English music for mixed choir

  • Thomas MORLEY  April is in my mistress face

  • Claude LE JEUNE Une puce j'ai dedans l'oreille

  • Edward ELGAR  Ave verum

  • Orlando GIBBONS  O Lord, increase my faith

  • Camille SAINT-SAËNS  Calme des nuits


Choral workshop - August 2006


Very first summer workshop for Le Chant des Oyseaux for mixed a capella choir

  • Johann Sebastian BACH Choral Jesu meine Freude

  • Quirino GASPARINI  Adoramus te

  • Felix MENDELSSOHN  Zum Abendsegen

  • Franz LISZT  Ave Verum ; Salve Regina

  • Randall THOMPSON  Alleluia

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